How-to keep Cherry Shrimp in your aquarium


Cherry shrimp are a great addition to any aquarium. They’re small, colorful and fun to watch. They also add variety to your tank by eating algae and other detritus that builds up on rocks, plants and decorations.However, shrimp require special care if you want them to thrive in your aquarium. They can be sensitive when it comes to water parameters like pH level and temperature–so it’s important that you monitor these carefully when keeping cherry shrimp in your tank!

Types of Cherry Shrimp

There are many types of cherry shrimp, but they all fall into one of three categories:

  • Amano shrimp
  • Red cherry shrimp
  • Yellow cherry shrimp
    The Amano Shrimp is the original type of Cherry Shrimp. It was first discovered in Japan and named after Dr. Takashi Amano, who is known as “the father” of aquascaping. The red variety has been around since the 1980’s and was developed by a hobbyist named Ken Koga. He crossed the Amano with another type of dwarf shrimp called Neocaridina denticulata var alba (White Tip). The result was a beautiful red coloration with white tips on their antennae and tails!

Setting Up the Aquarium

Now that you have decided to keep cherry shrimp, it’s time to set up your aquarium. The first step is choosing the right size aquarium. A 10 gallon tank will be adequate for a single pair of Cherry Shrimp but if you plan on keeping multiple pairs or adding other tank mates such as snails or fish, then a larger tank will be needed.
Aquariums come in all shapes and sizes so choose one that suits your needs and budget! You can find them at most pet stores or online retailers like Amazon or Ebay.
The next thing is substrate which is basically what lies on top of the gravel bed inside an aquarium; this helps provide hiding places for invertebrates like shrimp so choose something dark colored like black sand or fine gravel (no larger than 1/2 inch). Some people choose not use any substrate at all but this isn’t recommended if you want healthy plants because they need something solid underneath them such as rock wool cubes which are available at most local fish stores too!

Feeding Cherry Shrimp

  • Types of food:
  • Cherry shrimp are omnivores, so they will eat a variety of foods. They can be fed sinking pellets, frozen or dried foods, and live foods such as brine shrimp or daphnia. You may also want to try feeding them algae wafers if you have an algae bloom in your aquarium (more on this).
  • In general, it’s best not to overfeed your cherry shrimp because they don’t need much food–and too much could lead to health problems like bloating or swim bladder issues. Feeding once every few days should be plenty unless you’re trying to grow them out quickly for breeding purposes; then you might need to increase their intake slightly so they get enough nutrients from their diet!
  • Supplemental feedings: If there are any large pieces left after the main mealtime has passed through the filter system (or if some didn’t make it), feel free to give them another small snack after 2 hours have passed since feeding time began; this ensures that no one gets hungry while waiting around for everyone else’s turn at dinner table 🙂

Cherry Shrimp Breeding

Cherry shrimp breeding is a popular hobby for many aquarists, but it can be difficult to get started. This section will go over the basics of how to breed cherry shrimp and help you get started with your own breeding project!
First off, let’s talk about what makes a male and female shrimp. Male cherry shrimps are smaller than females and have longer antennae that stick out from their heads like horns or spikes (females don’t have these). Males also tend to be more colorful than females–they may have brighter orange coloration or even blue stripes along their bodies!
Once you know which shrimp are male or female in your tank, it’s time to start looking at how they reproduce! Cherry shrimps lay eggs on plants or decorations in the aquarium after mating has taken place; these eggs will hatch into tiny baby shrimplets within three days if conditions are right (more on this later). You’ll want enough plants so there’s plenty of places where eggs can attach themselves without getting eaten by fish before hatching occurs–if too many eggs get eaten before they hatch out into young shrimplets then none will survive!

Common Health Issues

There are a few common health issues that you should be aware of. If your shrimp start acting weird, or if you notice any of the following signs, it’s time to take action:

  • They’re moving around more slowly than usual and seem lethargic.
  • Their bodies swollen puffy looking.
  • Their tails have turned white (this can also happen if they’re stressed).

Cherry Shrimp Tank Maintenance

  • Regular water changes are a must. The water in your tank should be changed at least once every week, and more often if you notice that the ammonia or nitrite levels are rising.
  • Cleaning the aquarium is also important. You can do this with a sponge and use a siphon to remove debris from the bottom of your tank every few days.
  • Cherry shrimp need plenty of places to hide and graze on algae (like java moss), so make sure there’s plenty of decoration for them!

Tips for Keeping Cherry Shrimp

  • Provide hiding places for your shrimp. They like to have a place where they can feel safe and secure, so providing them with plenty of places to hide is important. You can do this by adding live plants or decor that has small holes in it, such as driftwood pieces.
  • Avoid sudden changes in water parameters (temperature, pH level, etc.). Cherry shrimps are very sensitive creatures and will quickly die if you change environment too drastically or frequently.
  • Keep your aquarium stable at all times–this includes keeping the same filter media for at least 6 months before replacing it with new material!

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How long do cherry shrimp live?
    Cherry shrimp have a lifespan of 1-2 years, and they can be bred in your aquarium to help sustain the population.
  2. How do I tell the difference between male and female cherry shrimp?
    Male cherry shrimp have pink tails while females have orange tails (this is true for most species of shrimp). Male shrimp larger appendages than females, but this isn’t always an accurate way to tell them apart since some males are smaller than their female counterparts. The best way to determine if an individual is male or female is by checking its reproductive organs under a microscope–if there are no eggs present then it’s definitely a male!


Keeping cherry shrimp in your aquarium can be a rewarding experience. By understanding their needs and providing a stable environment, you can ensure success for both you and your little shrimp friends.

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