So many of use have air pumps in our aquariums some because they look pretty, some to keep heavily planted tanks oxygenated at night and others because their fish need them to help create highly oxyge...Read More
So this year I have some plans. I have a new 1000 Litre tank to setup. I have to kit out the 200 Litre tank for snowball pleco’s I’m going to “attempt” to breed them almost imp...Read More
So the external filter is leaking again but this time I now have a spare AquaOne Aquis 1200 filter to use in its place. So no waiting around for parts to arrive this time yay. I’ve also had de...Read More
I’ve recently had a little bit of trouble with my All Ponds Solutions external filter (as reviews here). It developed a small leak to the point it was spitting out a good litre a day of water ...Read More
As most of you fishkeepers are probably more than too aware water changes and de-chlorination can cost a fortune in solution to remove the chlorine. I swear by AquaSafe have always used it but typical...Read More
Just thought I’d share a little picture of my 35L tank all planted up and ready. This picture was taken a couple of days ago on the 12th but not much has changed since then no real noticable gro...Read More
I’ve setup a journal thread on UKAPS for what will be my first attempt at a heavily planted tank. Until now most of my tanks have been fish tanks with plants there just for a little decoration a...Read More
So this week has been abit of a nightmare for me. Things started out fine I did my usual water changes at the weekend and pootled off to work Monday morning. I came in Monday night did a quick water t...Read More
Having recently suffered several power cuts I went out trawling the internet to find out if there’s anything I can do to minimise the impact of powercuts on my tanks. Turns out there’s not...Read More
Not everyone can aford the multi-hundred pound professional CO2 setups for their tanks but that doesn’t mean they can’t still get a CO2 system setup. This article at Think Fish shows you h...Read More
The 1000EF Plus is an external filter system for your aquarium complete with a UV sterilizer. This filter sits purely in the budget range of external filters claiming a stunning 1000L/h for less than ...Read More
The Style 160 aquarium as the name may suggest is a 160 Litre tank. It comes in a nice big box containing everything you need to get started with (excluding a stand which has to be purchased separat...Read More
OK so pictures of the new tank its got no fish in it at the moment and no real plants but its got all the hardscape in there. The rocks are from the wood near me I’m lucky enough to live in a ve...Read More
OK so new tank has been filled a week its had the contents of the 2 other tanks filters (fish shit!) stuck in it as well as a couple of gallons of water out of the old tanks in there too. I also wen...Read More
Just setup a brand new Marina style 160, 3 foot tank! Looks lovely if a little empty at the moment going to be filling it up and starting a cycle on it later on tonight will post pictures at some poin...Read More